MAN-TLEは、西オーストラリアのパースを拠点とするファッションブランドです。元々ドーバー ストリート マーケット ギンザで同僚だったラーズ・ハリー(Larz Harry)とアイダ・キム(Aida Kim)夫妻が2016年に立ち上げました。オーストラリア沿岸部の荒い気候に耐えうる、実用性と耐久性に優れたメンズとウィメンズウェアを展開しています。
MAN-TLE is a fashion brand based in Perth, Western Australia, founded in 2016 by Larz Harry and Aida Kim, who first met as colleagues at Dover Street Market Ginza. The brand offers practical and durable men’s and women’s wear designed to withstand the harsh climate of the Australian coast. Each season, MAN-TLE releases collections numbered in sequence, such as R1, R2, and so on. Designed with longevity in mind, all of MAN-TLE’s garments are made from fabric sourced and manufactured in Japan. These pieces are not only durable but become more attuned to your body over time, allowing you to enjoy the feeling of ‘wearing them in’ as you continue to wear them.